Sunday, July 31, 2011

Social Networks

Note: im totally sick of grammar and following those rules so dnt expect proper english nd hopefully you can still understand what im writing.

 so social networking can be really fun because you get to  meet new people. it can also be where you meet your soul mate. but please dont pretend to be someone you arent because that just hurts other people and sometimes you can get hurt. its really not fun to pretend you are someone ur not because after taking on soo many identities you almost loose touch with who you are ( not to mention u could fuck up sometime ). so bottom line is be yourself online nd it can also be dangerous to lie so if you value your life dont lie. i kno  it all  seems pretty obvious but some people underestimate the internet. and now for the fun part . . .social networking is really fun as i mentioned earlier with sites like facebook, aim ,meebo  ,nd more theres no end to what you can do or where you can do it. so thats alli have to say for now but trust me ill be back. :)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Gay Marriage

So here, most people are thinking it and I guess I'll say it. Whats the big deal about gay marriage? For gay and pro-gay people it's great. For straight and anti-gay people . . mind your own god damned business. Well that's something I've been wanting to say. :D Now for anti-gay people please explain to me why being gay is soo bad. ( heres the part where you get to know what people don't ) Is it because you are a bunch of sorry asses who have nothing better to do? ( serious question ). I personally like gay weddings . . . white doves, white suits, white chocolate, white people ( not ment to be offensive ). Well I don't have much to say because if i said everything I wanted this would be a book. Tell me what you think and I'll expand on the idea.                  

July 30, 2011

 So today was my great grandmother's birthday. She wasn't supposed to be in New York, but her brother (my uncle) just died so she's here for the funeral. Now everyone expects me to be extremly sad and heart broken, and trust me I'm sad, but I never met the guy. They asked why I won't cry, if I'd read at the funeral, and if I remembered him. If I remembered him? I never met him. The worst part is that I don't even know how to say his name. I feel bad that i dont feel bad, but it's kinda hard to be sad when everyone around you is jugding you. Well that was my story for today. Sadly, my first post was about death and unhappiness. Hope you enjoyed :)