Sunday, August 7, 2011


Dear Suncakes,

I very sincerely apologize for my shitty blog about gum. I don't know what came over me i guess i was just bored. But i promise to only write quality blogs from now on. And i just want to say thank you for ur input because its people like you who make me a better writer. So i am dedicating this post just to you . . .and only you .. i hope you like.

btw im flipping u off

love always - Alexis

Friday, August 5, 2011


ohk well im really bored and i decided to post to my blog  . . because i was really bored. i happen to kno that no one in the world reads my blog posts so i can safely post a shitty blog nd not worry about critics . .so here it goes

today i was chewing gum . . actually i am currently chewing that same gum . . .so when i first started chewing it tasted really minty and good but after a few minutes it didnt taste so good . . .so i poped in another one. it started to taste good again after that i started thinking of that stride commercial where the new guy chased this guy who was chewing stride gum all through the mall so he could give himthe new stride 2.0. it was a very stupid commercial but thats what made it funny. thats proves it stupid things are funny. and a other stride commercial where the girl was wrestling a bull . . .totally didnt understand that at all.

now what i hate about gum is that if it isnt bubble gum you can blow bubbles with it. like wtf. gum is gum so what it doesnt have tht bubbly flavor nd now u cnt blow bubbles with it . .lol gum is an ass

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Overrated or Underrated

so im really bored nd i looked back on my blogs nd they were kinda ll on serious topics . .kinda but in real life im a goof . .so heres something that might be kinda fun tell me what you think are these things overrated or underrated . ..

love . . .i think its overrated. i mean everyone is so pressured to fall in love and get married especially older women . . it can fun but it isnt the key to life

money . .i don think its overrated but it isnt underrated either. i mean if you dont have money ur fucked and thats tht.

sexuality . . i think its overrated. get over it if ur gay ur gay and thats fine if ur straight ur straight and thts fine if u hate gay ppl nd ur either straight or gay mind ur own goddamned business and leave us alone. . nd if ur bi or u really dnt kno its not the end of your world . .it really also has to do with love which is overrated

middle east . .. sooo underrated. i mean its in the news pretty often but not often enough.

so tell me what you think  . .thnx
urs always - Alexis


my friends are absolutely the best friends you can ever have. how do i kno you might ask? . .i kno because when im fine they get on my nerves nd make me want to slash all of their necks but when i need them they pull themselves together to make me feel important again and to make me feel like whatever happened was just a small insignificant bump on the path to life. because no friend is ever perfect. and if they are then that means they get on ur nerves 90 percent of the time. friendship is really about having someone there to lighten up ur day when u need it and also to keep you out of the clouds and into reality. i love my friends not only because they help me but also because they give me someone to help. without my friends fucked up lives id be useless. its a cycle. friends are necessary to life. so please take care of yourself and your friends. and also tell me about ur friends and those good times u just have to share. untill next time - Alexis

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Boy Meets Girl

i dont understand why people can be so willing to hurt other people especially those they claimed to love just to makes themselves happyish. i understand the every man for himself concept but must every man be so heartless? my i guess ex now found a new love .. and im soo ohk with tht. he even started dating her before he broke up with me . . ehh a little sad about tht but its ohk. he has yet to break up with me but i cut him off ( he doesnt kno yet ) so he really wont be able to. the thing that makes me upset is that whenhe tried to break up with me he had the  nerve to say i was the problem. when i asked what i did he didnt answer me. and if you are reading this you might be thinking maybe he got over me and he just moved on and he was trying to tell me what i didnt do tht made the relationship bland and un fun . . . . . . but i did everything to make it fun nd not tht he didnt either but it was just a smack to the face. it was great one day no fights no wierd fellings we were both happy and the next day im his problem. . .  . . .but this blog wasnt ment to be about me. . . . its about waht you think about this situation. if its happened to anyone what do you think. please respond nd tell me about other situations similiar. thnxxx