Sunday, August 7, 2011


Dear Suncakes,

I very sincerely apologize for my shitty blog about gum. I don't know what came over me i guess i was just bored. But i promise to only write quality blogs from now on. And i just want to say thank you for ur input because its people like you who make me a better writer. So i am dedicating this post just to you . . .and only you .. i hope you like.

btw im flipping u off

love always - Alexis


  1. I'm glad that you have finally paid attention to my constructive criticism's. I was feeling that my only option was to bring this up and the "We love Alexis" convention in ohio this month but in light of you heeding my advice I will spare you the embarrassment and hopefully your fans will start to enjoy some quality blogging from this moment forth. Hmpf

  2. thank you i appreciate that very much but i didnt realise there was a convention especially one in ohio you always seemed like the foriegn type to me . . . . .whatever i love you and all of my fan population (1).

  3. I glad you left such a prompt commet (sic). I can assure you that your fan base is much more than (1). I wont reveal the true number as that is commercial in confidence. I dont want the rival fan group, "We love alexis more!!!", knowing how many fans are part of my group.



  4. well thats a great reason if there ever was one but i believe in love and happiness and most importantly unity . .btw i love ur typo

    love always Alexis

  5. Woah!! I didnt know you were a hippy? I think you just lost half of all your fan base. I told everyone you're a hardcore gansta.

  6. heres my philosophy . . .. peace is the key, but if a mufugah needs a cap busted in his ass he'll get one

    urs truly Alexis

  7. urs truly? I think you just regained your fan base back. Anyone that can spell is not a gangsta. Emimen for life!!!

  8. Mr. Suncakes im glad and u r just wrong on sooo many levels its a shame

    love always Alexis
