Wednesday, August 3, 2011


my friends are absolutely the best friends you can ever have. how do i kno you might ask? . .i kno because when im fine they get on my nerves nd make me want to slash all of their necks but when i need them they pull themselves together to make me feel important again and to make me feel like whatever happened was just a small insignificant bump on the path to life. because no friend is ever perfect. and if they are then that means they get on ur nerves 90 percent of the time. friendship is really about having someone there to lighten up ur day when u need it and also to keep you out of the clouds and into reality. i love my friends not only because they help me but also because they give me someone to help. without my friends fucked up lives id be useless. its a cycle. friends are necessary to life. so please take care of yourself and your friends. and also tell me about ur friends and those good times u just have to share. untill next time - Alexis

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